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Friday, 13 August 2010

Audio: Handy Free VST plugins

A list of free to download VST plugins that I've been finding very useful over the course of the last year, with some links to where you can get your hands on them.

The Kjaerhus Classic series - available here - The Classic Master Limiter is very useful as a quick loudness tool.

VacuumSound RIAA - vacuumsound plugins - The RIAA plugin allows you to use a line level input as an input for a raw turntable signal

SSL X-ISM - SSL free plug-in - A handy metering tool to make sure you aren't making too loud or over-compressing on the master buss.

Studio Devil BVC - StudioDevil BVC - A single amp model from their main guitar modelling plug-in. A very decent vintage sound.

Arturia Analogue Factory Demo - Arturia downloads - VST synth. 137 presets from the full version of analogue factory. Saving of presets disabled and two of the synth models have been disabled. The rest is fully functional and unlimited use.

Native Instruments Kore 2 Player - NI Kore Player - A large collection of synth modules and effects from the full version of Native Instruments Kore 2. There are also further collections available, normally when NI release a new version of any of their synth engines.

Hopefully that's a good place for most people to start their collections. If you know any excellent free plug-ins feel free to leave a comment and I'll check them out!