Main Website

Friday, 31 May 2013

Short Film: Six Degrees of Limb Separation

An exciting short film, called "Six Degrees of (Limb) Separation", which I recorded sound for a week or so ago is now in editing and post.

The film, which is being entered into the Short Cuts To Hell filmaking challenge, is directed by Dave Bourn and DoP'd by Michael Spry.

Here's a little snap from set between takes.

UPDATE: This film is now out and available to view on YouTube:

Links and people to follow:

Short Cuts To Hell


Saturday, 18 May 2013

A New Home:

I've recently moved my web based home to a new location. The new site was built using the tools available at This blog will continue to be updated in a similar capacity, as it will still serve as the news channel for my new site.

The new site is the public profile for my operation as an Audio professional. My work covers a wide variety of sound work, which encompasses all aspects of the production chain; from location recording, to foley and ADR, through to mixing and mastering. Find out more by going to or clicking the picture below:

The site is about 80% finished; the blank background image is just place holder until I have a cool image taken. Until then it contains direct access to my various public profiles around the web and various means of contacting me directly.